2020 Year of the Chat (Rat)

Make a coffee and pull up a chair, let’s have a catch-up, shall we?

2020 has certainly brought us some unique challenges, but it has also bought some great opportunities. Collectively, we have pushed our use of technology forward by several years. Even my dad, in his late seventies, got a new phone, to have video chats with family. Millions of people around the world are regularly working from home, teaching and training have moved online; even being sociable has migrated to social media.


Virtual Chatrooms aren’t a new thing; the ability to “chat” online has been around since the 1970s, and instant messaging has been around since the 1960s, although they have changed a bit.


Video conferencing has been most people’s go-to during lockdown and social distancing. There have been quizzes, church services and teaching delivered over Zoom, Skype, Teams and Meet; we used Zoom to played Boggle. I have a 50th birthday party to organise; which I will probably host using Facebook’s Rooms. The rooms have a fifty person capacity, with no time limit; you don’t even need an account. The Rooms do not have all the tools and control the more developed software has, but the fact you can use a link to join, without downloading software or having an account is a unique feature; I need to confirm that it works, as stated.


There are several ways to create a room; the easiest way is to open messenger and click on the icon that looks like a camera and send the link out to the people you wish to invite.


Whichever way you choose to stay connected, make a coffee or pour a drink and start that conversation.

Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon.


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Filed under Free Applications, Social

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